Kye Parker is 9 months old!

Kye Parker is 9 months old and I cant believe it! Time is really flying and Kye Parker is learning something new everyday, and he is growing so quickly. I just celebrated my first Mothers Day, and I am starting to think this is the best holiday of them all. I feel so lucky, blessed, and truly happy with Kye Parker in my life. Being a Mother is not easy, but its the greatest thing I have ever experienced. Kye Parker went to his nine month check up and he is now 24 pounds, this is in the 90%!

Mark and I had been waiting for Kye Parker to start crawling. For a long time he would raise his body up on his hands and knees and would sway a little, but he could not figure out how to take his first real crawl. I caught Mark a few times on his hands and knees trying to teach Kye Parker the proper crawling stance. Thats what good Daddy's do! On May 3, 2009, at 8 and a half months Kye Parker started to crawl. Here is how the story goes: I was attempting to feed him a bottle downstairs. Mark was putting together a toy box on the floor. Kye Parker kept trying to get out of my arms and onto the floor to see what Mark was doing. He kept making a little noise for me to put him down. So I put him on the floor and he crawled right on over to his Daddy. He has been crawling since. That started the rush to get things baby proofed because he is into everything. He now follows us around the house everywhere we go. He is always just a few "crawls" behind us. Crimson was not very happy when Kye parker learned to crawl because Kye Parker chases her around the house and tries to take her bone. Crimson just politely gets up and moves to another corner and then Kye Parker crawls to that corner. Its quite amusing. Crimson continues to love to lick Kye Parker in the face. Kye Parker thinks this is the funniest thing ever. He laughs and laughs. Kye Parker loves to pick up Crimson's bone and wave it at her, hoping Crimson races over to get it. Crimson usually does and nicely takes it out of Kye Parker's hand.

It is very obvious to tell when Kye Parker gets excited. He starts flailing his arms and legs everywhere. His Auntee Jamie used to do this when she was little, so he is taking after his God Mother.

His Ma-maw was at our house for Mothers Day weekend. She taught him that if you put your finger up and down in front of your mouth while you make a noise, its a lot of fun. So now he goes around the house and puts his whole hand up and down his mouth while making crazy noises. It gets our attention every time and is really cute.

Kye Parker has been saying MMM noises for quite a few months, but in the past few weeks these MMM noises are beginning to sound more like Mamma or Mum. I love to hear this each and every time he decides to say it, as any new mom would!

Kye Parker is now eating some foods on his own. He still loves his baby food, but you can put food on his tray and he will take it with his fingers and get it to his mouth. He is such a smart baby! His favorite snack is Gerber yogurt melts. I have noticed Crimson is always present during snack time. Kye Parker loves to feed the dog. He purposely drops the food on the ground and laughs when Crimson eats it.

Kye Parker loves to be held by his Mamma. He can be quite lazy as well. When he wants to be picked up he puts one arm in the air, two is too much work. I think its the cutest thing ever so most of the time I race over to pick him up! Kye Parker is also enjoying his independence the older he gets. He enjoys playing with his toys on his own. We set up a play room for him down stairs, and he really enjoys this time to crawl around and explore. He loves to play with anything that makes lots of noise. The louder the better. He loves banging two things together. My spatulas are his favorite! The other thing Kye Parker loves are remotes and cell phones. He will play with these for quite a long time. Kye Parker also loves books. His favorite book is a flap book about animals.

Kye Parker has learned a few new tricks as well. He has learned to wave bye-bye or hello. He still does not always do it when you want him to, but thats ok. He just learned to point at things. Again this is a new thing for him, so its not happening all the time. But this morning he pointed at his Daddy and he has pointed at his bottle. Its hard to believe how much he learns just from watching us.

Kye Parker started pulling his self up on the couch about a week after he started crawling. He could only get to his knees though at first. Then last Friday, May 15th, he learned to pull himself up to standing. He loves that he can now see what's going on on top of the couches! He can now see Crimson in her favorite spot, looking out the window! At his Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's this past weekend I turned around and Kye Parker was standing there not holding on to anything. I could not believe it. I rushed over to him and picked him up, I was afraid he was going to fall. It will not be long before he is walking and running!

Kye Parker has always loved his bath and he continues to love his bath. Kye Parker just loves water! He laughs after you put water over his head. We brought him to an indoor pool this past weekend and it was freezing water and he still loved it. It should be a great summer. We hope to spend a lot of time at the pool! Kye Parker loves being outside. He enjoys long walks in his stroller and he loves his red rider wagon. He holds on to the side and will sit in that thing as long as you want him too. He is very observant. He continues to look around during the whole walk. If you stop for him to touch a tree, he very slowly and softly will touch it to see what it is. This is different to when we are home and he puts everything in his mouth to see what it is. Kye Parker still only has two teeth. He has had his two lower teeth for a few months now.

Kye Parker is a very affectionate and happy baby. We were blessed with the best baby ever. He smiles all the time. Mark and I always laugh when he goes to sleep we say he is "giving out free kisses." This is when he is willing to give out as many kisses as we want. He started giving out real kisses about a month ago. They are big open mouth wet ones, but they are priceless. He grabs your face and pulls his face to yours and gives it to you good! Kye Parker loves to go on outings. He loves to go to the store and look around at everybody. He usually has a very serious face on. He is just taking it all in and observing everything he can.

Kye Parker's sleeping habits are about the same. He goes to bed around 9:30 and gets up around 6 or 6:30. He is now standing in his crib when you go into get him. He is always smiling and ready to be picked up. Once you see his smiling face all your frustration for getting up at 6:00AM goes away.

As you can tell I am a happy and proud mamma!


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